Who doesn’t love some type of bakery item? It’s the ultimate comfort food. It seems that good small town bakeries are becoming a thing of the past for many of us. But hey, you can bake your own!

My great grandmother had 10 children. She would rise at 4 a.m. to start the bread to feed her large family of 9 children. It must have been wonderful to wake to the smell of freshly baked bread!
Below I have broken the many recipes down into smaller categories.

Biscuits and Rolls
Bacon and Oyster Biscuits
Baking Powder Biscuits
Baking Powder Rolls
Brittany Sponge Biscuits
Buttermilk Bisquits
Calumet Biscuit Dough
Cheese Biscuits
Drop Biscuits
Emergency Ice Box Rolls
Honey Crisp Roll
Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns and Simnel Cakes
Ice Box Biscuit
Irish Potato Biscuit
Lightning Biscuits
Afternoon Tea Cheese
Date Crackers are Delicious
Homemade Crackers – v. 1 |2
Light and Dainty Crackers
Marguerites — v. 1 | 2 | 3
Souffle Crackers
Also see Corral Eggs on Toasted Crackers.
Cream Puffs and Eclairs

I have wonderful memories of cream puffs. I remember light pastry and fluffy, fresh cream filling. I wonder if it’s possible to make them the way they were back then with the ingredients we have now? It’s hard to find great pastry anywhere these days.
Thank goodness for Wikipedia! Makes my research of food names so much easier. You can read a lot more about them there, but below is my abbreviated version.

Croquettes are a fried food rolled in breadcrumbs and shaped into a roll or disk. They are deep fried and can contain a number of ingredients as you can see below. Some are served with sauces (see raisin sauce recipe below). I’m not sure what Nut Steak has to do with Croquettes, but it was on the same card as croquettes.
Apple Croquettes
Black Walnut Croquettes
Bread Croquettes
Carrot Croquettes
Cereal Croquettes
Cheese and Rice Croquettes
Cheese Croquettes v. 1 | 2
Cheese Croquettes with Green Peppers
Chef Suggests Croquettes
Chicken Croquettes
Chicken or Ham Croquettes
Chicken or Veal Croquettes
Codfish Croquette
Codfish Fritters
Date Croquettes
Fish and Rice Croquettes
Fish Croquettes
Ground Steak Croquettes
Ham Croquettes
How to Make Potato Croquettes
Macaroni and Salmon Croquettes
Macaroni Croquettes with Tomato Sauce
Macaroni Croquettes
Mock Oyster Croquettes
Nut and Potato Croquettes
Nut Croquettes
Nut Steak
Parsnip Croquettes
Pastry Croquettes
Peanut Butter and Potato Croquettes
Potato Croquettes
Raisin Sauce
Raspberry Croquettes
Rice and Nut Croquettes
Rice and Raisin Croquettes
Rice Croquettes with Jelly Sauce
Salmon Croquettes
Sardine Croquettes
Simplicity Croquettes
Surprise Croquettes v. 1 | 2
Sweet Potato Croquettes v. 1 | 2
Underwood Rice Croquettes
Veal and Peanut Croquettes

You just can’t find good donuts these days. There really isn’t anything better than homemade donuts anyway. You know those donuts that have the weird twist in them? Those are called Crullers!
One of my fondest memories was being taught to make homemade donuts with an 80+-year-old aunt-in-law. It was a family recipe and I was 35 at the time. She taught me to beat the batter in just one direction so that too much air wasn’t introduced into the batter. I lasted about 2 minutes and then she took over and whipped that batter up in no time. Kind of embarrassing. Good luck with your own donut memories!


Fritters must have been very popular in days past. I don’t know if I’ve ever had anything besides an apple fritter. There are so many more possibilities here. Since I am accustomed to “sweet” fritters, it will be interesting to try tomato or onion fritters.
Apple Fritters v. 1|2
Banana Fritters v. 1|2
Bread and Butter Fritters
Carrot Fritters
Cornmeal Fritters
Cottage Cheese Fritters
Crisp Corn Fritters
Pineapple Fritters
Potato Fritters v. 1|2
Strawberry Fritters
Tomato Fritters v. 1|2|3
Walnut Fritters

Ginger Bread

I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t love gingerbread. I love it warm with whipping cream on it. Never heard of a gingerbread shortcake though. I have another recipe for Lafayette Gingerbread that I have tried. It was delicious. A much denser cake than what we are used to. If you are a home brewer, you can use the spent grains, dried and ground, as a flour too.

Specialty Breads
A Favorite Date Bread
Apple Bread
Apricot Nut Bread
Banana Bread – two ways
Blue Ribbon Nut Bread
Blueberry Johnny Cake
Christmas Bread
Cocoa Bread
Date Bread Vers. 1|2|3
Delicious Apple Bread
Nut Bread Version 1|2|3|4
Oatmeal Nut Bread
Orange Bread
Orange Bread
Peach Bran Bread
Peanut and Raisin Bread
Peanut Bread
Peanut Butter Bread Version 1|2
Quick Bran Nut Bread
Last Updated on May 29, 2021 by rootie