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Sea Slug

Mildred Agnes Bailey, daughter of William Henry Bailey and Mary Harmison was married to John Malaney and they had a daughter Virginia. Virginia married Leo Gosliner and they had two sons. From Virginia’s obituary:

“She was the consummate supportive parent, transporting her kids to pre-dawn low tides on the Marin Coast or to the Sierras to catch butterflies or find wildflowers. She was an avid gardener who earned a degree in landscape architecture following her retirement and volunteered at the Strybing Arboretum. Another of Virginia’s passions was painting — a member of the Marin Society of Artists and a fixture in painting classes at the College of Marin. Virginia was a great supporter of progressive and humanitarian causes and loved to read Mother Jones and Rolling Stone well into her eighties. She loved to discuss the latest trends with her grandchildren, and was always well versed on what was new in music, fashion, or anything else that was “cool” to them. To her grandchildren, she was more than just a grandmother, she was a friend who loved and cared for them. She loved horse racing, the 49ers and nothing more than seeing the Giants beat the Dodgers. A lover of nature, Virginia had a species of nudibranch, Okenia virginiae, named in her honor.”

Virginia’s son, is a marine biologist and he named a sea slug after her “Okenia virginiae“. You can also find the official document here (search on Okenia virginiae).

Last Updated on March 6, 2021 by rootie