I guess I can’t find anything odd about these delicious recipes except the banana cakes served with meat. Looking at the recipe, I think it is based on a plantain recipe. The picture on the right accompanied the Baked Apples Royleana recipe. It features Guava jelly and Farina mush. Sounds rich to me.
Apple Compote
Apple Dumplings
Apple Souffle
Baked Apples Royleana
Baked Apples with Maple Syrup
Baked Banana Supreme
Banana Cakes to be Served with Meat
Banana Fritters v. 1|2
Bananas Baked Whole
Bananas with Chops
Campfire Fruit Cream
Crystal Apples
Dessert Supreme
Dried Peach Whip
Fried Apple Rings
Fried Bananas
Fruited Rice Delight
Honey Baked Apples
Watermelon and Pineapple Cup
Magic Ice
Maple Apples
Mixed Fruit Torte
Orange Bavarian Cream
Orange Jelly Cups
Orange Rock Cakes
Parisian Pineapple
Peach Souffle
Peach Tapioca á la Cream
Peach Whiffle
Peach Whip
Pear Whip
Pineapple Orange Cup
Pineapple Snowball
Pineapple Velvet
Plum Rolls
Prune Oriental Cream
Prune Souffle
Prune Whip
Pumpkin Custard
Qualities of Common Fruits
Raspberry Whip
Rhubarb Compote
Rhubarb Cottage Pudding
Rhubarb Jello
Ripe Banana
Royal Cinnamon Oranges
Sauteed Banana and Orange Garnish
Scalloped Bananas
Strawberry Whip
Stuffed Apples
Sugar Cherries
Sunsweet Prune Gateau
Sunsweet Prune Stewed
Treasure Chests
Here are some tips for knowing how ripe a banana is as well as qualities of common fruits.
I have so many fond memories of picking rhubarb and dipping it into sugar and munching on it out in the sunshine. Some people like it with salt—but I have a voracious sweet tooth and when I was a kid this was as close as I got to sweets sometimes! Now that I’m older, I prefer to make strawberry-rhubarb jam or some type of rhubarb bar.
Last Updated on June 12, 2021 by rootie