If you’ve gotten this far in the site and haven’t scratched your head in wonder, then you haven’t seen a recipe for Jellied Fish Salad or Jellied Vegetables. Aspic comes up frequently here. Aspic is basically a gelatin made with stock or consommé. I haven’t found a good explanation for “Mantua” except for what is in the recipe and that describes little “barrels” made from eggs. Anyway, if you can get past the Jellied Tuna with Mayonnaise“, you have my respect.
Below are almost 250 total salads and dressings found in the old recipe card box.
Aspics, Molds and Jellied
Beef Jelly to Serve with Mayonnaise
Boiled Egg Dressing
Boiled Potatoes and Onion Dressing
California Dressing
Cranberry Salad Dressing
Cream French Dressing
Dressing for Salad
Ever Ready Salad Dressing
French Dressing for Spring Salads
French Dressing Spicy Dressing
Fruit Salad
Apple and Celery Salad
Apple and Pimiento Salad
Apple Raisin Cabbage Salad
Apple Salad with Cranberries
April Salad
Banana and Apple Salad
Banana Nut Salad
Beech Nut Fruit Salad
Bohemian Pineapple Salad
Cabbage and Pineapple Salad
Cabbage Banana Salad
Campfire Currant Salad
Cantaloupe and Tomato Salad
Macaroni Salad
Macaroni and Egg Salad
Macaroni Chicken Salad
Macaroni Ham Salad
Macaroni Salad v. 1|2

A Delicious Salad
A Few Japanese Flower Salads
A Hearty Salad
A Midwinter Vegetable Salad
A Novel Nut Salad
A Very Unusual Salad
Alamo Salad
Asparagus Bavarian Salad
Attractive Way of Serving Salmon or Lobster Salad
Autumn Salad
Baked Bean Salad
Bean Salad
Bride’s Salad
Brown-eyed Susan Salad
Butterfly Salad
Cabbage and Peanut Salad
Cabbage and Shrimp Salad
California Special Salad
Candlestick Salad
Carrot and Cabbage Salad
Chicken Salad a la Russe
Chicken Salad Served in Finger Rolls
Chicory Salad v. 1|2
Choice Tomato Salad
Coconut Salads
Coconut with Carrots
Combination Vegetable Salad
Corned Beef Loaf
Crab Bamboo Salad
Cucumber Beet Salad
Cucumber Wells
Daisy Salad
Dandelion Salad
Davenport Salads
Embassy Salad
Flower Salad v. 1|2
French Shrimp Salad
From the Salad Bowl
Frozen Tomato Salad
Ginger Ale Salad
Golden Balls Salad
Golden Glow Salad v. 1|2
Green and White Salads
Hartley Salad
Healthful Spring Salads
Holiday Iceberg Salad
Hungarian Potato Salad
Imperial Salad
Irish Salad
Isabella Salad
Kraft Pimiento Cheese Salad
Lettuce Club Style
Lettuce Salad
Lime Bean Salad
Lima Beet Salad
Macedoine of Fresh Vegetable Salad
Meat Salad
Mediterranean Salad
Midsummer Dream Salad
Minute Tapioca Salad
Mock Chicken Salad
My Favorite Salad
New Salmon Salad
Nut and Celery Salad
Onion and Pepper Salad
Onion Salad
Orange Onion Salad
Peas and Olive Salad
Peas Cheese and Walnut Salad
Perfect Salad
Perfection Salad
Picturesque Salad
Poached Egg Salad
Poinsettia Salad
Pork Salad
Potatoes and Green Beans or Peas
Princess Salad
Pyramid Salad
Raw Carrot Relish
Rice Krispie Salad
Richmond Salad
Rose Salad
Russian Salad for Supper or Luncheon
Russian Salad
Salmon Mousse
Salmon Salad v. 1|2| 3
Salsify Salad
Shamrock Salad
Spinach Salad
Stuffed Celery
Stuffed Cucumber Salad
Stuffed Cucumbers
Stuffed Dill Pickle Salad
Sunflower Iceberg Salad
Supreme Salad
Sweetbread Salad
Swiss Salad
Symphony Salad
Tomato Surprise
Tomato Surprise Salad
Twelve Delicious Salads
Twenty Four Hour Salad
Twin Peaks Iceberg Salad
Two-Layer Salad
Veal Mousse
Veal Salad
Very Special Salad
Waterlily Salad
White Salad
Woods Salad
Last Updated on September 11, 2022 by rootie